How to Create a Twitch Command Script for Streamlabs Chatbot Part 2: Basic Structure by Nintendo Engineer The Startup

Posted On 17 gen 2023
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The tools and unique software Streamlabs offers can integrate with any popular streaming platform. According to Daily eSports, The live-streaming industry has grown by 99% from April 2019 to April 2020. The command must have $commands written in the response. This sepereates your list into multiple pages with a number of x commands per page.


This command will ensure that your audience feels special and will motivate newcomers to want to become a part of your community. Users are quite used to getting asked what equipment they use and this command will save them quite a lot of precious time! This command is unique because it is completely custom. The menus on your dashboard also have special buttons which will take you directly to the relevant documentation.

Halloween Overlays and Alerts for Twitch, Facebook and YouTube

Typically social accounts, Discord links, and new videos are promoted using the timer feature. Before creating timers you can link timers to commands via the settings. This means that whenever you create a new timer, a command will also be made for it. An own currency – the dream of every streamer? The currency function of the Streamlabs chatbot at least allows you to create such a currency and make it available to your viewers. The currency can then be collected by your viewers.


You can tag a streamlabs commands user with Streamlabs Chatbot by including $randusername in the response. Streamlabs will source the random user out of your viewer list. Viewers can use the next song command to find out what requested song will play next. Like the current song command, you can also include who the song was requested by in the response. In the dashboard, you can see and change all basic information about your stream.

Discord command description

If you are allowing stream viewers to make song suggestions then you can also add the username of the requester to the response. Some streamers run different pieces of music during their shows to lighten the mood a bit. So that your viewers also have an influence on the songs played, the so-called Songrequest function can be integrated into your livestream.

How do I add chat commands to Streamlabs OBS?

At the top of the screen, make sure that you cloudbot is activated and working. It should be green. If it is grey, then click to toggle it. Click the “Commands” tab, then click the “Add Command” button.

Moobot can automatically give recognition for several desirable engagements on Twitch. Activate any of the built-in message filters by activating its toggle button. Moobot offers several built-in message filters to make your life easier.

Current Song

I like to use those more than just straight up commands. Tz– By default this query will output the result in UTC. However if you’d like to change the time zone, you can specify using the PHP list of all available time zones, checkhere. It’s also important to note that a lot of these commands use an externalAPI, coded and provided by the userDecicusthat would otherwise be impossible to do with the bot alone.

All they have to do is say the keyword, and the response will appear in chat. Go to Chatbot Settings Page and turn them on. You can do this by typing in @username or @targetname. The first one tags you aka the person who triggered the command, while on the contrary, the second one will tag a viewer who was previously mentioned when triggering this command. Whenever used, it will provide your current audience with a feeling of belonging.

Streamlabs Chatbot Commands: Top 20+ You Need To Use

Streamlabs users get their money’s worth here – because the setup is child’s play and requires no prior knowledge. All you need before installing the chatbot is a working installation of the actual tool Streamlabs OBS. You can download the programhere. Once you have Streamlabs installed, you can start downloading the chatbot tool, which you can findhere. Although the chatbot works seamlessly with Streamlabs, it is not directly integrated into the main program – therefore two installations are necessary.

How do I make commands in Streamlabs?

To create a command, you will need to enter ! addcommand followed by your desired name of the command, then the text that it will display. For example, if you want the command to show a link to your Discord server, you could create the ! discord command that would post the link and a short invite message.

If at anytime nothing seems to be working/updating properly, just close the chatbot program and reopen it to reset. In streamlabs chatbot, click on the small profile logo at the bottom left. Streamlabs chatbot is a chatbot software embedded within Streamlabs, which allows streamers or influencers to easily engage with users.

Deleting Commands

This will be the main program for all of this to work. Download whichever fits for your operating system. BotPenguin is one of the best AI Chatbot makers. It provides exceptional features, better than many of those in the market for decades, at the lowest pricing. This platform generates free Chatbots for Live Chat, for Websites, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and other social media platforms like Telegram.


In the case of the socials area, you can use EITHER each individual one, or all, depending on your needs. Allows a mod to remove a command directly from chat. Now click “Add Command,” and an option to add your commands will appear. Next, head to your Twitch channel and mod Streamlabs by typing /mod Streamlabs in the chat. Everything you need for streaming, editing, branding, and more.

Chiara Amendola
"Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father, run for your children, for your sisters and brothers, leave all your loving, your loving behind, You cant carry it with you if you want to survive". (Florence + The Machine - Dog Days are over)